Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
An Early Fall To Do List

1. Host a dinner party
2. Catch up on season 2 & 3 of "Breaking Bad"
3. Read a book (any suggestions?)
4. Cook a meal with the boys from strickly famer's market finds
5. Apple picking and pie making
6. Clean and organize my closet
7. Clean and organize twins closet
8. Take more pictures of the family, organize and back up
9. Make goodie bags for the family trip to Disney in December
10. Blog more!
Friday, July 9, 2010
Who Knew Marilyn Monroe Was So Wise?

This is my favorite quote!
"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." — Marilyn Monroe
We should tell this quote to evey young woman we know!
"I'm selfish, impatient and a little insecure. I make mistakes, I am out of control and at times hard to handle. But if you can't handle me at my worst, then you sure as hell don't deserve me at my best." — Marilyn Monroe
This quote is just pure wisdom
And this one is for my sweetie!
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Happy 4th of July
Its Thursday and I have absolutely nothing planned for this glorious three day, 4th of July weekend. It will be my first 4th of July without my children so I need something besides cleaning to keep me busy.
What I really wish is I had a cute outfit like one of these....
to wear to an incredibly fun and hip party here.....
eating this, better yet I impress everyone and bring it....
What I really wish is I had a cute outfit like one of these....

Picture 1- Black Eiffel
Picture 3- Whipped
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day! I just want to take a moment to thank my father for what an incredible man he is. He has not only been there for me and my children, he has taught me so much. He is unbelievably intelligent and has this ability to think things through in such a rational way, it amazes me.

Also, the way my Father loves my Mother is this magnificent thing to watch. They have been through so much in their lifetime of love together and they are still so connected and madly in love with each other. The only problem, it sets this standard for me and my sisters that few partners can live up too.
I am incredibly grateful for all he has done for me, for everything he has taught me and everything he continues to teach me.
Dad you are truly an incredible Father, Grandfather, business man, teacher and husband.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Across the Universe
I can't get this song out of my head. I heard it over the weekend and I loved it.
I like the Beatles OK but there is something magical when artist can take old rock songs and make them so new and fresh.
I like the Beatles OK but there is something magical when artist can take old rock songs and make them so new and fresh.
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Food From the Weekend
I had two lovely romantic dinners this weekend. The first one was at Tanalus, in East Aurora. They have great pizza's but this time I opted for the stuffed ravioli with prosciutto, yum.
There food is always excellent. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of the fabulous chocolate fudge cake.
Saturday evening I made a quite dinner for two at home, it was nice and relaxing. We cooked steak and shrimp on the grill. We also had a lovely tomato and mozzarella salad and a fresh loaf of garlic roasted bread from Wegman's, it is the best.

There food is always excellent. I can't believe I forgot to take a picture of the fabulous chocolate fudge cake.
Saturday evening I made a quite dinner for two at home, it was nice and relaxing. We cooked steak and shrimp on the grill. We also had a lovely tomato and mozzarella salad and a fresh loaf of garlic roasted bread from Wegman's, it is the best.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Isn't it the cutest thing? Cheap too. I could get my initial, I could get three of them with my boys initials or I could be old school and get the initial of my sweetie pie. Oh the possibilities.
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

I think I need to get back to the basics of what makes me happy, remembering all the good I have in my life. My life hasn't always been easy but I have been extremely blessed and would not change anything.
I am grateful for:
- My children, they truly are incredible and I don't want to forget that as the exhaustion of childcare sets in.
- My family, without them I would not survive.
- My friends, they offer me so much support, laughter and the occasional and much needed alcoholic beverage.
- My job, I enjoy coming to work and I feel so lucky just to have employment.
- My girl, I am extremely grateful to have someone in life that brings me an incredible sense of love and joy, who listens to me (because I tend to ramble and mumble), who doesn't always give into me, (which I am discovering maybe I need, sometimes) and who is there for me in so many ways.
So, I am going to try and get out of this funk, focus on the above and try to remember not to take life to seriously. Humm.. Maybe some retail therapy would do the trick???
Monday, May 24, 2010
Damn It!!
Damn it , Damn it, Damn it....
I spent over twenty dollars. Who can live off twenty dollars for a weekend?
I didn't do so bad but here is the breakdown:
Friday Evening $0.00 yeah me!
$11.75 at ball field feeding 3 kids lunch and snacks
$21.49 beer and chips for cookout at friends house
$10.38 quick drive-thru run, starving children!
total $43.62 oh well, not horrible but not great either.
I did, however, resist the urge to go see Shrek 3? 4? whichever one the new one is.
I spent over twenty dollars. Who can live off twenty dollars for a weekend?
I didn't do so bad but here is the breakdown:
Friday Evening $0.00 yeah me!
$11.75 at ball field feeding 3 kids lunch and snacks
$21.49 beer and chips for cookout at friends house
$10.38 quick drive-thru run, starving children!
total $43.62 oh well, not horrible but not great either.
I did, however, resist the urge to go see Shrek 3? 4? whichever one the new one is.
Friday, May 21, 2010
I So Want These Frye Boots~
My Atempt to Spend Only Twenty Dollars This Weekend

So this weekend my goal is to spend only twenty dollars. This will be quite difficult for not only me but also for my children. I am realizing lately that all the little stuff adds up, a drink, popcorn or some other snacks everywhere we go. I can't get out of Target without buying my Ryan some popcorn. Its the only reason he goes to Target with me so willingly.
Here is my plan, not counting the groceries I already have or the ones I need to buy on Sunday for the week:
Friday - Cooking dinner from stuff I already have and not leaving the house because if I leave the house I will spend money. Netflix movie, we just got Angels and Demons, does Netflix count? Its a monthly fee so I will say no.
(I will not count my lunch today because it is technically not the weekend and half my budget would be gone, oops.)
Saturday- I have to work 8-12 so I will eat my leftover sandwich from Friday for lunch and the kids will have pancakes and sausage for breakfast and lunch at the ball field because I have to be there at 12:45 pm. The ball field is cheap so hopefully I can feed all three for about 9 dollars.
Saturday night we are going for a cookout at my dear friends house. I need to find something cheap to bring, maybe a bottle of wine, usually you can get a good bottle $10.00 or some beer. I will have to bake a homemade dessert even though it would be easier to pick something up at the bakery!
Sunday- Will not be fun because all my $20 will be gone which means I will have to make all of our meals at home. Plus I wanted to see the new Shrek movie but that would be well above my budget for the weekend. Movies for a family of four is ridiculously priced.
This is going to a tough weekend!
Friday, May 14, 2010
Why Can't This Be My Life???
I have been reading a lot of different blogs lately but I keep finding myself going back to the ones about great style, living and food. The only problem is they make me envious. They all have perfect style, perfect parties and perfect vacations. I guess it gives me something to strive for someday. Ok not really. I am not that creative and I definitely do not have the funds needed to live such a lifestyle. So I will take what I can from these lovely blogs and apply it to my life, well mostly my dream life.
Who knows maybe someday I can travel, decorate and eat like these woman.
Who knows maybe someday I can travel, decorate and eat like these woman.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!!

I suppose like any Mother I worry constantly about my children and like the majority of Mothers I think I have the most incredible children in the world. It is not something I have done it is just who they are, these amazing little beings who can bring more unconditional love and pure joy then I ever imagined. They can be so sweet and loving sometimes I wonder what I ever did to deserve them.
As they are getting older I find myself worry more about things I knew would come. I worry about them fitting in, making friends and just their overall happiness. They have been through a lot this year and at the ages they are now it is hard for me to tell how they are weathering all the changes. I wish I could teach them how to find true happiness and peace in their lives know matter what they go through or how the world treats them. I am so incredibly grateful for my children and the amazing individuals they are now. Hopefully, by teaching them gratitude I can give them the foundation they need to truly appreciate life and all it has to offer.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Monday, April 26, 2010
We just got back from a much needed vacation. I like the beach but for some reason I really like to vacation in the mountains its so relaxing. Maybe its because I grew up by the beach, I was spoiled, a day at the beach was a normal activity not a special treat. When you grow up in flat Florida a day in the mountains is incredible. The video games weren't so relaxing but they gave the kids something to do so I could relax. Plus I taught them how to play pool, well sort of, about as well as I know how to play.
This was my first vacation with my sweetie and it was quite the test. Luckily, the boys were pretty good. We did survive the drive, about ten hours there and back. Thankfully, they managed not to kill each other in the car. The only problem, its kind of hard to enjoy a nice glass of wine and some quite conversation in the hot tub when three boys decide to jump in and join you.
Anyway, I am happy to report we are still dating, I think!
There may not be any vactions in our future anytime soon though.

This was my first vacation with my sweetie and it was quite the test. Luckily, the boys were pretty good. We did survive the drive, about ten hours there and back. Thankfully, they managed not to kill each other in the car. The only problem, its kind of hard to enjoy a nice glass of wine and some quite conversation in the hot tub when three boys decide to jump in and join you.
Anyway, I am happy to report we are still dating, I think!
There may not be any vactions in our future anytime soon though.

Monday, April 12, 2010
Easter Cupcakes
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
I'm Dreaming of a White Kitchen
This is my kitchen. It's boring, functional but boring. I have lots of counter space, the functioning so called triangle of ease, but it lacks style. Oh yeah and it does have a bit of clutter. I should have taken the picture after I cleaned but I thought it was more authentic this way. I really want an all white kitchen but I wonder if it is a good idea with three boys ages 9, 9 and 11. A white kitchen needs to always be clean, fresh and sparklingly or maybe they just look clean and fresh because they are white?

I love the floor in this kitchen, the dark brown against the white looks perfect and those light fixtures are incredible. I realize I like white, wood and stainless steel together.
This just might be my dream kitchen!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Oatmeal Cookies
I made my Sweetheart some of these Martha Stewart Oatmeal Raisin Cookies this weekend and this recipe is the best oatmeal cookie I have ever made. I don't know why but they have a great flavor and texture. Also, they were moist and chewy a perfect combination. I think the milk makes them extra moist.
Here is the link to the recipe http://www.marthastewart.com/recipe/oatmeal-raisin-cookies
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
The Hardest Job in the World
This has been floating around a lot of blogs lately and I though it was worth sharing.
It sounds like a cliche but parenting is so incredibly hard. We as parents as responsible for our children's happiness, security and well being not to mention the hard stuff like cooking, laundry and cleaning up the urine that is on the toilet seat, the floor and sometimes they even make it into the small decorative bathroom garbage can, lucky me. Maybe, I should resort back to the old Cheerios in the toilet trick?

It sounds like a cliche but parenting is so incredibly hard. We as parents as responsible for our children's happiness, security and well being not to mention the hard stuff like cooking, laundry and cleaning up the urine that is on the toilet seat, the floor and sometimes they even make it into the small decorative bathroom garbage can, lucky me. Maybe, I should resort back to the old Cheerios in the toilet trick?

Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wanting White
Lately, I really have been craving a new Duvet cover. I love these white ones they look so clean, relaxing and peaceful. My bedroom is orange and I think the white would just really make the room pop. There is something so cleansing about getting a new bed linens, its can be so refreshing.
Almost a year ago I went through a devastating breakup and all I can think about is how nice it would be to finally get rid of the bed linens we shared. Now that my soul is refreshed and whole again it seems like I am definitely ready to refresh my room.
Living in this room would be like waking up in paradise everyday.
In this picture I am loving the green headboard and the lamps.
Almost a year ago I went through a devastating breakup and all I can think about is how nice it would be to finally get rid of the bed linens we shared. Now that my soul is refreshed and whole again it seems like I am definitely ready to refresh my room.
Living in this room would be like waking up in paradise everyday.

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