I always thought my children would have a financially good childhood like I had, if not better, but they do not. Their lives do not consist of fine restaurants, traveling, private school or brand name clothes. My children have a single Mother whose biggest concern is trying to feed them and keep our home. It’s not a life I would have picked for them, but it is a good life. It has been an extremely hard three years but I see the light at the end of the tunnel. Not only do I have a job that I love and actually enjoy going to, I have managed to keep my home thus far and for that I am extremely grateful. My children are growing up with a greater since of appreciation for the things they do have and for the people in their lives. We are so thankful for the family and friends that support us and help us get through each day. So despite how different things are now, neither my children nor I will ever forget how blessed we are.
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