
Monday, March 4, 2013

Sunday's Supper

This Sunday I decided to try Smitten Kitchen's gnocchi, in my feeble attempt to imitate her talents. It tasted amazing and to my surprise it actually came out the way it was supposed to. However, for me I'm not sure it was worth the work. You have to bake the potatoes, grate them, make them into a dough and then boil them in water. The processes wasn't hard but it was time consuming. The tomato sauce was excellent and would be great as an everyday pasta sauce.

For dessert, I made Bakers Royale's Kit Kat Cheesecake Bars. Damn, these are good. Luckily it doesn't make a huge amount because they are hard to resist. I didn't bother with the white chocolate decorative touch because I didn't have any white chocolate. Also, next time I make them I may skip the chocolate ganache layer on top. You really don't need it and it just makes them extra rich but you never know because the boys loved the extra layer of chocolate.

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